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Marsh Sandpiper

Albastrello Lampedusa

The Marsh Sandpiper (Tringa stagnatilis) is a small bird, wader. In spite of its small size is a great migratory. It winters in the southern hemisphere, sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian sub-continent, Indonesia, South East Asia and tropical Australia. In Lampedusa in the spring is of passage along the route to the north to the nesting areas.

Albastrello Lampedusa



These are, on the contrary, in the north of the world, from the Black Sea, Poland, Finland, Ukraine through the central and northern areas of the former Soviet Union, Kazakhistan to the north and to the region of the Altai Mountains. It nests on the ground and lays speckled eggs, pear-shaped, four in number. 

Even in Italy is passing through, it does not nest, and it’s rare to see him.

Stefano Greek instead, it has seen, photographed and the photo has made ​​available, here are the other photos and next to the singing!

Below right, as usual, the classification card, taken from wikipedia. The species is not in danger, but is protected by various international conventions and national laws. The video at the bottom left was posted on youtube by Oleg Lyakhov.

[(Specie tutelata ai sensi della L. n.157 dell’11-2-1992 “Norme per la protezione della fauna omeoterma e per il prelievo venatorio”, specie strettamente protetta in base alla Direttiva di Berna del 19-9-1979 (Allegato II) e che necessita di accordi internazionali in base alla Direttiva di Bonn sulle specie migratrici (82/461/CEE) del 24-6-1982 (Allegato II)].
We like to think I do not know why, that the specimens that pass from Lampedusa go to nest in Poland …

Tringa stagnatilis
Stato di conservazione
Status iucn3.1 LC it.svg
Rischio minimo
Classificazione scientifica
Dominio Eukarya
Regno Animalia
Sottoregno Eumetazoa
Superphylum Deuterostomia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Infraphylum Gnathostomata
Superclasse Tetrapoda
Classe Aves
Ordine Charadriiformes
Sottordine Scolopaci
Famiglia Scolopacidae
Genere Tringa
Specie T. stagnatilis
Nomenclatura binomiale
Tringa stagnatilis
Bechstein, 1803





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